The benefits of having an urban garden

cómo crear un huerto urbano

Urban gardens have life-changing benefits… Once you start your gardening journey, you’ll soon realise that growing your own food while living in a big city is an eye-opening experience. Space doesn’t have to be an issue! All you need is a window, balcony, courtyard, terrace or rooftop that gets six or more hours of sunshine […]

Slow Living?

descubre la filosofía slow living con GreenCity

Slow Living has become a huge trend recently, prioritising less consumption and adopting a slower approach to everyday life. Nowadays, there are countless mobile apps to help you meditate and enjoy your increasingly limited free time. There’s also a growing number of restaurants with a ‘slow food’ philosophy, a movement that promotes eating slowly, valuing […]

How to make compost at home using the Bokashi method

What is Bokashi It is another option for decomposing organic waste at home. And turning it into a high quality compost base, which can be used to fertilise the plants in our urban garden. Without bad smells, without attracting insects, and in only 2 weeks. Bokashi or Bocashi, is a Japanese word meaning Fermented Organic […]

Emotional decor

qué es la decoración emocional

No matter how long you’ve been living in your home, we’re sure many of you are already bored with your design choices, which is where emotional décor comes in. If you take a look around you now, there are probably many things you’d change without a second thought, not just because they’ve gone out of […]

How to decorate your terrace

With spring in the air, we can’t wait to get outside and enjoy the sun. It’s at this time of year we all remember that forgotten corner of our home: the terrace. While it’s never going to be as big as we’d like, and we’re always complaining about how small it is, with the pandemic […]

Caring for plants: A dummie’s guide

como cuidar plantas

Buying plants just because they’re pretty or overwatering them are the most common mistakes made by beginners. We all have to start somewhere, and although taking care of something that doesn’t move or speak might seem like a doddle, you have to know how to do it properly. You don’t need a gardening degree, but […]

The benefits of plants

los beneficios de cuidar las plantas

While it’s a little annoying and sometimes stressful when plants die or don’t grow as well as they should, it’s scientifically proven that tending to plants provides countless psychological benefits. But why is gardening so good for us, and how exactly do plants benefit our mental health? Read on to find out more. 1-They relieve […]