With the purchase of each sprayer, GreenCity gifts you with an exclusive course on "How to create your Urban Garden at home" by Marta Rosique.

To access this course, once you have purchased your GreenCity sprayer, scan the QR code on the instruction sheet that you will find inside the box.

The course consists of 26 short videos divided in 6 modules, with answers to questions that arise when growing your own vegetables, flowers, plants, etc.

In this course you will see:

  • How to organize your space to grow your flowers and vegetables.
  • What to plant. How much to sow. When and how to choose plants to enjoy a varied harvest without missing lettuce or leftover turnips.
  • The choice, preparation and care of the substrate so that it is nutritious and gives a good flavor to your harvest.
  • The minimum and maximum care that your plants need to avoid dying of love or sorrow. Did you know that an orchard can get sick from excessive care?
  • And although you may not have thought about it before: the plants in your garden need nutrients. In this course you will learn how to fertilize without contaminating your food.
  • How to prevent and heal your plants from pests, fungus and other common diseases.
  • Habits that you should not follow if you want to prevent your plants from trembling with fear.

And… if you still don't have the QR to access the course, take a look at the GreenCity Matabi sprayer that best suits your needs